Faya Fantasy Muscle Growth

Locate your PC muscle. The pubococcygeus muscle forms the floor of the pelvic cavity and stretches like a hammock from the pubic bone to the bottom of the spine. Pretend that you are urinating, then try to stop the flow with a quick muscle contraction. That muscle you just used to stop the flow from the bladder is your PC muscle. I make muscle growth video and mostly NSFW. So major parts of my video are not available here due to Youtube T&S. For those who wished to see all the release. You should set up a Patreon page or something for folks to chip in for your vids - they are amazing!.

This is for those of you who want advice on creating hypnotic mp3s for your own use.

Find acceptable files on the web. I suggest http://www.WarpMyMind.com [usually abbreviated as WMM] for obvious reasons] for offbeat -- weird -- hypnosis files. [You can find the usual shit (like 'lose weight' or 'stop smoking') anywhere.] Download all the interesting sounding mp3s. If you can't find acceptable files, WMM also does custom files for a fee -- or write your own [I will cover this in a later blog]. I downloaded files like becoming/being a jock, bodybuilding, muscle growth, etc. I use these files as examples. Your files may differ ... or not.
WMM has complete files [induction, suggestions, and wake-up], as well as separate inductions, file bodies [just the suggestions, without the induction or wake-up portions], and wake-up portions. This allows you to assemble a file that is 'just right' for you.
WMM has several different types of files. One is called a 'Trigger File' [identified with the word 'Trig' in the title of the file], which install post-hypnotic suggestions that can be 'triggered' -- thus the name -- by you or someone else. Some of the files need someone else to speak the cancellation phrase, usually 'Revert to normal'. Another is the 'Training File' [with the word 'Train' in the title] which train you to behave in a new way. The third is a 'Curse File' [identified by -- duh -- the word 'Curse' is in the title], which 'curses' you to accept new behavior which is [supposed to be] irreversible ... unless you pay a fee for the specific curse removal file. Curse files have an 'I double-dare you' quality that makes them irresistible to some people.
There are many types of different inductions done by many people. Find an induction that works well for you as well as a person's voice you like to listen to ... since you're going to hear this voice a lot if you stay with it. [I would not willingly listen to some voices [Fran Drescher of TV's The Nanny, for one] unless you paid me a lot of money.] The induction that works well for someone might not work well for some other person. That's why there are so many different inductions. Find one that works well for you ... and don't worry if it's not the same as your best bud's favorite.

Download the files -- inductions, bodies, wake-ups. Listen to the files without the induction to see if you can agree with all of the suggestions. If you don't agree with the file, it won't be effective. [There is one MAJOR exception here. If you have EXTREMELY STRONG
  1. You should set up a Patreon page or something for folks to chip in for your vids - they are amazing!.
  2. Muscle Growth: Posing Oil. 3 0 350 (1 Today) By fayamusclefantasy Watch. Mature Published: Nov 15, 2017. Muscle musclegrowth. Creative Commons Attribution.
feelings about something -- positive or negative -- that file will be exceptionally influential, whether or not you want it to be. A strong That's disgusting! can be easily changed to a much more positive That's GREAT!!! through hypnosis faster than a lukewarm I can take it or leave it can be modified.
Now, you're ready to make the mp3s. Make one mp3 for each topic you want to cover. It's okay to mix files but it is more effective if the files are related. The general structure of the mp3 file you're creating is this:
Deepener [deepens the level of trance]
File One
File Two
File Three
Fantasy Train Sleep Reinforce
Wake-up [optional if you're going to use this as sleep learning]
The files I used to make me obsessed with being a jock are:
[No Wake-Up]
A few comments on the specific files:
MuscleTrainTotalJock [TTJ] was the first Jock file and is fairly good.

Faya Fantasy Muscle Growth Definition

TrainTotalJock2 -NoStr8 is a continuation of TTJ and a revision of TTJ2 [called by the creator, EMG, in his introduction to the file,'TrainFratboy']. The revision is the excision of a few minutes worth of suggestions which appear right after '...when you go out to drink, you go out to drink ...' which deal with picking up 'chicks' [not my word] ... which made it objectionable to gay dudes like me ... since I'm not interested in females as sexual partners.
AlwaysAJockHormone is a file similar to TTJ and TTJ2-NoStr8, except that it emphasizes 'you will always be at the level of a high school jock'.
TrainBodybuilding makes your interest in working out specific; you want big, strong muscles and lots of them.
TrainSleepReinforce does just what it says. It reinforces all the files you've been listening to while you're sleeping and includes the results in your dreams.
{No Wake-Up] Since I usually go to sleep with this playing and let it play all night, I do not use a wake-up file. Why would I want a wake-up file that concludes ' ...you will be wide awake. Five. Wide awake. Wide awake!' in the middle of my sleep?

Lexi and her girlfriend have always wanted to have a Puny of their very own, but it would never happen on their salary. When their childhood friend Roy begins development on the world's first personal Size Ray, they may finally live a life of luxury.

Primarily feet, ass, mouth play, unaware, breasts. Some more might come in later.

Categories:Young Adult 20-29, Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Humiliation, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Odor, Unaware
Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: FF/m
Warnings: None

Faya Fantasy Muscle Growth Stimulator

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents

Faya Fantasy Muscle Growth Hormone


Faya Fantasy Muscle Growth Spurt

No Word count: 1738 Read Count: 4464