Cia Terminal Login

Kali Linux is one of the best tools for hacking and one of my favorite tools that I always installed on my laptop. If you are trying to hack someone’s facebook account using Kali Linux then it is possible or not? Yes, you can, even you can do it with phishing tricks. But now most of the Facebook users know about phishing techniques and which security precaution should be taken and also facebook security is much high and they will block all that phishing links instantly. Hack facebook account using Kali Linux commands for the ethical hacking purpose you can learn this and try it on your own system do not try it on anyone else.

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Hack WiFi, Facebook password, and many other things you can do with using this tool. You can use this tool for learning ethical hacking. I recommend starting doing it on your own system as hacking is a criminal offense. You can do it on your own system to learn new things daily and do penetration testing. Query solved: Hack Facebook account using Kali Linux, Kali Linux download, Kali Linux latest version download.

Kali Linux Commands

Cia Terminal Login

Kali Linux commands that I have used in this post. These Kali Linux basic commands may help you to get started.

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Hack Facebook Account Using Kali Linux

My recommendation for new users or beginners would be to first learn Kali Linux commands and check its documentation from the Kali Linux Official Website. Kali Linux requires a minimum of 20GB hard disk space and 2 GB of RAM for installation. There are many websites and online available tutorials where you can easily learn Kali Linux hacking tutorial for beginners, Easy step by step commands. You can read the steps to hack facebook account using Kali Linux.

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  1. Download and setup Kali Linux
  2. Open terminal using ctrl+alt+t and type sudo root
  3. Enter your root username and password
  4. Now open social engineering toolkit by typing se-toolkit in terminal
  5. Enter 1 to do Social-Engineering Attacks
  6. Then enter 2 to select Website Attack Vectors
  7. Now enter 3 to select credential harvester attack method
  8. Enter 2 since we want to trap the victim with a clone webpage
  9. Look for tabnabbing:XXX.XX.XXX.X where XXX.XX.XXX.X is your IP address
  10. Open a new terminal and type su root and root password and ifconfig
  11. Then copy-paste the IP at the end of Tabnabbing:
  12. Now enter URL of the site you want to clone (
  13. Wait till the process of cloning the site is done
  14. Then you need to shorten your IP address using or
  15. Now all you need to do is send the shortened link to the victim
  16. Wait for the info to appear in the terminal.

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See Also

Cia Terminal Login

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