Enigma Simulations 737


QualityWings heeft zojuist middels een persbericht laten weten dat de ontwikkelingen rondom de Ultimate 737 zijn stopgezet. QualityWings wil zich blijven focussen op de Boeing 787 Dreamliner die later ook voor Prepar3D V4 nog uitgebracht zal worden. Kenwood programming software kpg free. Hieronder lees je de volledige verklaring terug: Sapost ipo exam.

  1. Enigma Simulations 737 Model
  2. Enigma Simulations 737 Aircraft
  3. Enigma Simulations 737 Simulator
Enigma simulations 737 definition

Enigma Simulations 737 Model

Enigma simulations 737-300 download

Keep up with Enigma Simulations on Facebook - Enigma Simulations - http://www.enigmasim.com/products. Jan 20, 2012 Enigma Simulations 737-300 for FS9. Thank you for downloading the Enigma Simulations 737-300 for FS9. This is not an official release, as such support is not guaranteed and bugs should be expected. A full list of known bugs can be found on the Enigma Simulations forum www. Com forum Install.

Enigma Simulations 737 Aircraft

Greetings All, For the last several status updates, I have been telling you all that we have not had any further information to report on the proposed Ultimate 737 Collection. The focus on the original QualityWings team has been solely on the 787 . But I did promise some sort of announcement on a project that has been in hold for some time one the 787 had been released. This post is to officially announce that there will NOT be an Ultimate 737 Classic Collection produced by QualityWings Simulations. For a group that prides itself on keeping it’s word and finishing what WE start…we apologize to those who may have been excited to see the 737 released under our brand.

Background (What the hell happened)?

In December of 2013, QualityWings reached an agreement with Enigma Simulations to bring their 737 Classic project under the QualityWings brand as the Ultimate 737 Classic Collection. Their team of 4 members came over to QualityWings as members of our team and they were to work on the 737 as a group separate from the original QualityWings team as we were all busy with the 787. QualityWings hired a programmer to complete the team working on the 737 – so their truly were 2 separate teams: One working on the 787 and one working on the 737. But in May of 2015, members of the 737 started to leave the project. First the 737 VC developer, then the exterior textures developer and eventually the systems programmer (who probably saw the writing on the wall). In the beginning of 2017, only 2 members of the Enigma Simulations team remained, and in May of 2017 the exterior modeler developer who held on for quite awhile finally bailed. Long story short – virtually the entire 737 programming team abandoned the project.
Enigma simulations 737 model
The Original (and still standing) QualityWings team did not have any interest on trying to salvage the work that was left over on the 737 Classic Project. Besides not wanting to deal with the work of other developers which present it’s own set of challenges, we are still knee deep in the 787 and all the plans we have for that project, the upcoming upgrades for the 146 and a few changes for the current 757. Additionally, we’ve got some other ideas down the road. The 737CL (as much as it pains me to say because I love that airplane)…is just not something that we wanted to do as a group – let alone pick up pieces. That decision was made over the summer. As such…R.I.P Ultimate 737.

So what does this mean for the 737 Classic Project moving forward?


Enigma Simulations 737 Simulator

I don’t know, but it’s not my headache anymore lol. In all seriousness, QualityWings recently attempted to negotiate a deal for the 737 to be finished by another respected Developer, but things got complicated…so I can’t definitively tell you what’s going to happen with the 737. Actually I can, but it’s not my place to do so. We strongly suspect that you will see this project picked up. Best of luck to whoever does pick it up…I’m sure it will be developed with care. This is the last you will hear from QualityWings about the 737CL. Happy Flying! Corey P.S. – In more important news…the second 787 Hotfix will be available very soon as it’s undergoing some testing. This will be the last Hotfix before we start working deeper on the first Service Pack and (yes) checking out the 787 in P3DV4. Please don’t waste your time asking about when. Just assume like everything else with us, it’s going to take long. You may end up being pleasantly surprised, but that way you will never be disappointed